Geographical Features
The Early History of Nagasaki
Nagasaki under Direct Government Control
Red Seal Ships, National Isolation and the Anti-Christian Edict
The Great Fire of 1663 and the Period of Rebuilding
Establishment of the Nagasaki Naval Training Institute and the Nagasaki Iron Foundry
The Modernization of Nagasaki
Nagasaki as a Fortified Zone
Inauguration as a Municipality
From Trade Port to Shipbuilding Center
The Second City Expansion
Urban Planning and the Development of Urakami
Nagasaki City under Wartime Administration
Part 1
World War II
Section 1
Nagasaki and the Second Sino-Japanese War
Section 2
Nagasaki in World War II
Part 2
The Atomic Bomb
Section 1
August 9, 1945
Section 2
Part 3
Rescue and Medical Relief
Section 1
Emergency Measures
Section 2
Activities by Rescue Teams
Section 3
Medical Relief Activities
Final Section