The Nagasaki International Film Forum
The Nagasaki International Film Forum
In accordance with its original mandate, the Nagasaki Peace Memorial Hall seeks to facilitate international cooperation and exchange while working to convey the facts of the atomic bombings and realize the abolition of nuclear weapons. At present, however, the survivors of the bombings are advancing in age and the question of how to continue conveying the realities of the bombing damages has become a pressing matter. One way the Memorial Hall addresses this issue is by staging film forums, the first of which took place in 2010. As a communicative medium which can appeal directly to viewers’ senses and leave lasting impressions, film has the ability to make material based on somewhat heavy themes accessible to the general public. By screening domestic and international films focused on war and the atomic bombings we hope to inform members of the young generation in Japan and around the world about the facts of the atomic bombings and make strong appeals for peace and the abolishment of nuclear weapons. In recent years, animated films, memoir recitals and photographic exhibitions have been added in the hope of creating a film forum that can be enjoyed by the whole family. |